
    • I was just talking to my good friend about Ghosts...

      Many of us have childhood memories of listening to "ghost stories" around a camp fire, or seeing "scary movies" about ghosts, or walking by a "haunted house" somewhere in the neighborhood. Humans have heard a lot about ghosts. Some people even claim to have seen them, or photographed them. Do ghosts really exist?

      This question has been a study issue for ages in the west, but it has never been that big story here in the Islamic world..
      But what are "ghosts"? Are they angels of some sort? Or are they spirits of humans who have died?

      I would really like to know you ideas about these strange seens and creatures...
    • Dear the Ghost
      Thank you very much scaring us….hahaha no, not at all

      I will start with some very important fact you mentioned talking about ghosts, and I quote (This question has been a study issue for ages in the west, but it has never been that big story here in the Islamic world )

      Yes this is correct, and talking in general as I do see it, it is all back to the culture issue, and before we can define them whether they are angels or spirits as you asked, let us see if we believe in them

      I do not personally trust any presence of such creatures and only believe they are illusions only people made for fun, business, scaring others or as one Swiss scientist concluded that the concept is all about a partial brain damage in the control cells causing some to see things like that……..who knows

      I heard about such things, but and in many cases turned out to be fake stories

      How many of us out there have this syndrome? I don’t

      Interesting……let us hear more from our dear friends

    • Hello
      !!!!What an interesting topic

      The West believe that ghosts are spirits of the dead that did not go to the other world and stayed in our world because they have some sort of unfinished businiss to finish, like revenge

      I am sure most of us have seen the great great movie "Ghost" which describes what the west believe exactly

      Casper, too, gives the same belief. (The ghost of a little boy who lived in the 17th century)

      However, we, muslims and arabs, do not believe in that. But we do believe in "Jin" , which are even part of the Islamic belief

      The Muslims believe that what the West think are Ghosts, they are actually Jin

      When a westerner says this house is haunted, he means that maybe the spirits of its dead residents are still liviing there
      but what a muslim would mean is that there are a bunch of Jins
      in that house (Maskoon) as we refer to it

      We believe that Jin are creatures that that we cant see, and that they sometimes intervene with our world and cause us some trouble
      (if they were bad ones

      well, this is what the west would believe are ghosts
      Jin are not in thier dictionary at all

      personally, I defineltey believe in Jin, but
      i sometimes like to think that the spirit of a loved person is still with me, it gives comfort and a feeling of peace

      if the door slams suddenly or if something suddenly fell by itself, i like to think that its the spirit of a loved person who is simply just
      saying hello and that "i am with you
    • Thank you Mrs. Unfaithful, and just like you said JIN is something we believe in and trust but for sure they are definately not are the ghosts the west talk about

      Once again the topic is open and if I to add i would like to say that Ghosts could mean الغول
      that what the Arabs classified as one of the impossible things to happen

      المستحيلات ثلاث...الغول والعنقاء والخل الوفي

      Sometimes the ghost, and I do not mean our dear brother #e is that monster some movies talk about

      Thanks once again

    • What a lovely topic you brought for us dear brother..Did you inspire this topic from your name ..
      Usually this topic attracts our attention whenever we start to talk about it specially when we were kids, but this interest in this topic has not at all die. But we don't talk about it as ghosts as dear sister Mrs. Unfaithful explained.
      There are many stories about JIN and I also believe in them and we can find JIN everywhere although people refer and point to the existing of JIN and magicians in two specific places in Oman which I am sure that you know them without mentioning them .
      We have a familiar story that the bad creatures might be hidden in other creature's picture specially black cats. I remember until today our parents and some relatives warn us to not talk or do anything for the black cats at the midnight or something evil will happen to us.. But there is something that I couldn't believe in this superstition and I usually intend to talk to these black cats at the night and scorn at them. I just do that because I want to see the result and the reaction and if it is really true!!..Thanks Allah that I am still OK and fine until today.

      Yet, there is another kind of these creatures which is JIN. Some of them are evils and they occur like a devil. Well, be ready, because I am going to tell you one of the scary stories that happened to my aunt. This story happened 4 or 5 years ago when my aunt used to live with her husband's family. At that time she has only one infant daughter and her husband works away from the house. Once a night, she waked up and she sensed something strange in the room. She tried to wake up or just turn her face to the other side to see her child but she couldn't. Something was pretending her from moving and she couldn't do anything at all. Then she noticed a tall dark shadow coming from the back of the curtains. She could see how the shadow looked. It was a scary shadow and there were 2 horns in his head. She was afraid that he will hurt her child but she couldn't move from her place as if somebody was capturing her. So she started to read (Alm3wathat) المعوذات. She didn't at all scream because she was sure that Allah will protect her and her child from this evil. After a short period, he disappeared and she could move from her bed and went to see her child and both of them were fine.
      Well, this is just one of many stories that I had.
      I hope that you are not afraid now .
      Regards to all
    • Ghosts, a true reality or a fiction! I think that Mrs.Unfaithful drew a line underpinning the Obvious in terms of what we as Muslims believe. This is simply why ghosts has not been a big story here in the islamic world. "Jin" on the other hand did have their fair share of attention! In essence, Ghosts and Jin could be two faces of the same coin, but its what we believe they are that sets a difference

    • sorry for not being able to reply to your lovely comments. I like most of them. Yes..indeed there is a fine line between ghosts and what we call Jin. and yes they could be two faces of the same coin..but is there a fine line between Ghosts and Angels too. In christanity, they call Jibreen (peace be upon him) the WHOLY GHOST...where we actually call him Angel...Do we really understand those differences??
      Some of us even might go so far in telling us that we all live in the same world but in different Dimentions..I have thought of this actually and I connected this of what we learned in school about Electronics...I don't know what they are called in English, but there are tiny things go on orbits around the CORE...right..? it's a fact and has been proven by every electron moves in one orbit and it can't really go to an upper orbit or level with out energy...I hope you are understanding of what I'm talking about, I will not mumble alot about this..I would also like to remind you of Matrix movies ( the second part) when the oracle meets Neon and explains to him how we live in dimentions...therefore I guess that when Ghosts or Jins try to cross our dimention we see them in differnt sights, movements and even cold feelings....
      If we divided the whole world with same logic, we would see that Angels live on the upper dimentions which is very easy to them to move to a lower dimention. Then it comes the dimention for Jins and Ghost and we human comes at the end....

      I just want to know if anybody got the idea so far....and if you really believe in that....I didn't want to say that Allah might be on the CORE....
    • Dear The Ghost
      Thank you for your explainations and clarifications, and what made me happy is you talking Science when talking about ghosts, chemistry and physics, electrons and protons not forgetting neutrons could be ghosts should they have not explained scientifically

      I guess if my grand grand father was introduced by this mobile, he would have prayed to ALLAH ... no harm though to pray...and considered it to be ghosty stuff

      Thank you dear
