ﻣﻘﺎﻻﺕ ﺑﻮاﺳﻄﺔ قارئة الفنجان 37


    هُنالك مواسم للبكاء الذي لا دموع له ..

    هُنالك مواسم للكلام الذي لا صوت له ..

    هُنالك مواسم للحزن الذي لا مبرر له ..

    هُناك مواسم للمفكرات الفارغة ..

    والأيام المتشابهة البيضاء ..

    هُنالك أسابيع للترقب وليالٍ للأرق ..

    وساعات طويلة للضجر ..

    هُنالك مواسم للحماقات .. وأخرى للندم ..

    ومواسم للعشق .. وأخرى للألم ..

    هُنالك مواسم .. لاعلاقة لها بالفصول ..

    هُنالك مواسم للرسائل التي لن تُكتب ..

    للهاتف الذي لا يدق ..

    للاعترافات التي لن تقال ..

    للعمر الذي لا بد أن ننفقه في لحظة رهان ..

    هُنالك رهان نلعب فيه قلبنا على طاولة القمار ..

    هُنالك لاعبون رائعون يمارسون الخسارة بتفوق ..

    هُنالك بدايات السنة أشبه بالنهايات ..

    هُنالك نهايات أسبوع أطول من كل الأسابيع ..

    هُنالك صباحات رمادية لأيام لا علاقة لها بالخريف ..

    هُنالك عواصف عشقيه لا تترك لنا من جوار

    وذاكرة مفروشة لا تصلح للإيجار ..

    هُنالك قطارات ستسافر من دوننا ..

    وطائرات لن تأخذنا أبعد من أنفسنا ..

    هُنالك في أعماقنا ركن لا يتوقف فيه المطر ..

    هُنالك أمطار لا تسقي سوى الدفاتر..

    [إقرأ المزيد]


    25,000 people are dying because of hunger everyday.
    We are lucky that we are not one of them.
    But are we sensible enough to understand
    their pain of dying because of hunger?

    We have to focus only how everyone of us can solve the problem
    or at least could be part of the solution.

    So let's sign it that we would never waste food
    because it is like rising the problem of
    "World Hunger"
    If organizations like
    "World Food Program"
    helping people to provide meals for them
    then its our role to donate them
    and not waste food at our side.
    [إقرأ المزيد]
  • I wrote this poem to motivate my self
    I hope you will like it

    Inside my happiness, there is nothing
    But happiness for me

    Inside my happiness, the colours are
    So bright and vivid and i am able
    To see everything clearly

    Inside my happiness, there was no
    Dark times because in my happiness
    The sun always shines

    Inside my happiness, there is no
    Pain, there is no fear
    And there is certainly no doubt

    Inside my happiness, we all live as
    One and there is peace
    For all beings

    Inside my happiness, addiction never happened
    Inside my happiness, there are no sorrows
    And no tears, so the hurt doesn’t exist
    Inside my happiness, there is god
    And he planned all this for me

    Inside my happiness, there is nothing
    But happiness for me Inside my happiness, there is nothing
    But happiness for me

    [إقرأ المزيد]
  • Why have you made me cry?
    I'm getting where I hate you
    I don't want that to happen
    please stop, don't do this
    Stop Please leave me
    and my feelings alone
    let me alone
    let me cry on my own

    There's to much
    that has happen
    you broke my heart
    you lied to me
    you hurt me
    Leave me alone

    I'm sick of crying
    Leave me alone
    Let me cry on my own
    I want to die on my own
    stop agony it on
    Leave me alone
    I've done nothing to you
    but your still hurting me

    Just Leave me alone

    [إقرأ المزيد]

  • When I say... I am a Muslim
    I speak of this with pride
    And confess that sometimes I stumble, and need Allah to be my guide.

    When I say... I am a Muslim
    I know this makes me strong
    And in those times when I am weak, I pray to Allah for strength to carry on.

    When I say... I am a Muslim
    I'm not boasting of success
    I'm acknowledging that Allah has rescued me, and I cannot ever repay the debt.

    When I say... I am a Muslim
    I'm not claiming to be perfect
    My flaws are indeed visible, but Allah forgives because his followers are worth it.

    When I say... I am a Muslim
    it does not mean I will never feel pain
    I still have my share of heartaches, which is why I invoke Allah's .name

    When I say... I am a Muslim
    I do not wish to judge
    I have no authority. My duty is to submit to Allah's all-.encompassing love

    [إقرأ المزيد]

  • Let me be your blanket when you are feeling cold,
    Let me be your memories, for when we both grow old.
    Let me be your voice for when you're shy to speak.
    Let me be your smiles when it's comfort that you seek.

    Let me hold your hand, and guide you down life's road.
    Let me hold your troubles and this worlds nasty load.
    Let me hold your face, to tell you that I care.
    Let me hold your heart, to let you know I'm there.

    Let me be the cloth that wipes away your tears.
    Let me be the advice that whispers in those ears.
    Let me be the remedy for every ache and pain.
    Let me be the one, to polish every lesson's stain.

    Let me in, when you are scared and when you're feeling small.
    Let me in, so that I may make you, once again feel tall.
    Let me in, so I can see how beautiful God has made you.
    Let me in, so that I can help with every lesson that He gave you.

    Let me see your shining eyes, and let me see your grace.
    Let me see the lines of aging decorate your glowing face.
    Let me see the
    [إقرأ المزيد]
  • Standing in lonely darkness of my shadow,
    I catch a glimpse of the light in front of me.
    Should I move towards it?
    Can I move away from my shadow?
    I want to start a new life in the light,
    But my shadow keeps stalking me,
    Taking over my mind and body.
    How do I break away from my shadow?
    How do I liberate myself from this darkness?
    I am lost and anxious
    I need the light to rescue me
    I remember the light,
    Before the darkness took over me,
    Its tender compassionate touch
    Its warmth, touching my heart
    But now the darkness won’t leave me
    I want to be with the light
    I just want to be under Allah’s light.
    ‘In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe, and enough shadows for those who don't.’

    [إقرأ المزيد]