قصة اضخم أمراة في العالم . فيديو

    • قصة اضخم أمراة في العالم . فيديو

      القصة هي حجمها واتهامها بتقل قريبها الطفل بالسقوط عليه حتى توفى في المستشفى

      دفاعها يقول كيف يتم حبسها وهي لا تستطيع ان تتحرك وتقضي ايام عمرها على السرير في غرفتها وتشاهد التلفزيون
      وهي لا تستطيع ان تذهب لدورة المياة بل يجب ان تأتي دورة المياة اليها ؟

      بأختصار . انها حبيسة جسدها

      هل سألتم أنفسك عن مدى المجهود الذي يقوم به زوجها من اجل مساعدتها في حياتها

      هل الحب والتضحيات العظيمة تجاه من نحب يفرض العمل والعمل والعمل بدون أن نتذمر مما نقوم به ؟

      On 18 March 2008 a two-year-old boy was beaten to death in a Texan border town. His aunt, Mayra Rosales, was the only one with him at the time and was charged with his murder. But was this really possible?

      Mayra weighed nearly 500 kg, was bed-ridden and totally immobile. So why was she confessing to a heinous crime she seemingly could not have committed?

      This incredible film follows the many twists and turns in the case with intimate interviews with Mayra, her family, and the investigators, lawyers and doctors involved.

      Mayra Rosales is 28 years old and weighs 74 stone; unsparing, humiliating footage shows the fat cascading around her as she is hauled from her bed and her house by tarpaulin. There is so much tumbling flesh Rosales doesn't appear to have a body, she's just a huge, wobbling mound. In 2008 she was accused of murdering her two-year-old nephew in a Texan border town.

      The case has triggered one of those American trash-media frenzies with Rosales claiming she accidentally fell on the child. Accused wonders if Rosales really could have committed such a dreadful crime.

      An insight into a high-profile American murder trial in which 74st Texas woman Mayra Rosales confessed to beating her two-year-old nephew to death. As the only person in the company of the youngster when he died, Mayra became the prime suspect, and the programme follows the twists and turns of the trial, discovering how a bedridden, immobile woman appeared to be admitting to a crime it seemed unlikely she was able to commit. Includes testimony from Mayra, her family and friends, and the doctors, lawyers and investigators involved in the case.


      ( أ ) ( ح ) ( ب ) ( ك ) ( الله ) ( حطك ) ( بقلبي ) ( كلك ) لا للعنصرية لا للتفرد لا للزندقة إن هدف الإنسانية الحديثة هو انصهار الأمة البشرية في قالب تفاعلي موحد من اجل الرقي بالجنس البشري
    • الله يكون في عونها كيف تحمل جسمها
      روح الانْسَان مِثل الزّهورْ ، كُلمَا ذَكر اللهْ أزهَر وَانشَرح صَدرهْ ، وَكلمَّا غَفل عَن ذكْرِ الله ذَبل وَأنقَبضَ صَدرَهُ. ...