Eid Al-Fitr 2004 Talk

  • Eid Al-Fitr 2004 Talk

    Happy Eid Al-Fitr Every Body

    Ramadan is over, but more Ramadans are coming, I hope you all winess the many
    many Ramadans to come

    It is Eid now, and I am sure you all are happy, and I bet if I ask you what do you think about Eid, the majority would say, oh, Eid has changed
    Has the Eid really changed? Or is it we are the ones who have changed? I guess if we ask the little Tenderness he would say, NO, the Eid is much the same, nothing has changed, and if you ask me now, I would say, YES, the Eid has changed, well, I guess I have changed and I am no longer see Eid as used to few years back when I was a kid

    For me, Eid and I am sorry to say it has become a burden, so many commitments, and more and more of busy times

    I will fulfill my duties and just sit at home relaxing, I do not feel like doing anything, just sitting at home for a while and getting ready to go to work

    Eid Al-Fitr I believe is a day we should be happy that we finished our fasting hoping that we did most if not all of our duties towards our beliefs and life

    Whatever the case, enjoy the Eid
    كل عام وانتم بألف خير
  • hah Allah yir7am zamaan awal

    :) endurance, I guess we have the same joy giving it away as much as we had getting it

    What do you think? I guess you are happy the Eid is around, do you want the clue, well
    You did not show up in Ramadan and Ramadaniat :P i

    I do not know, but I used not to sleep on the Eid eve, and I stay up and go for the prayer eraly in the morning, I wonder how many out there just like me


  • Yeh... Eid is not like before
    I guess because we have grown up.. and there isnt really much to do in the eid days
    The first day of eid.. i woke up late.. and didnt do much for the rest of the day.. and today.. second day of eid.. its almost five pm and i am home.. as bored as anyone could be

    Why is everybody so excited about eid,, its boring.. and its annoying
    And yes.. it does feel like a burden .. to have all those social obligations.. which i did not fulfil .. and now it would take me weeks to justify.. cuz i guess "i didnt feel like it" is not reasonable enough for a grown up to say

    A one has to be in the mood to enjoy such supposedly happy days like eid

  • Always the last person, I was too busy enjoying the eid here and I guess yes we are the ones who are changing becausea we grow up and our interests change as well.. so what we used to like is no longer interesting because at that time it was something really nice and exciting.. I still dont think that Eid is a burden and it never was and never meant to be

    I still get my 3eedyah and I think I will keep on getting it as long as my parents are still alive.. lol Allah y6awel b3omerhom insha'a Allah

    Eid is not about we are being happy, it's about also making the people around us happy. Compare our happiness with someone else's happiness.. that is even greater in my opinion

    I've always been told that one day I will be a grown up person, giving children 3eediyah and my mom ye5alleha le did make me love the idea of giving because this is the way we keep the joy of Eid going on and on for generations. Eid is a happy event, should never be a burden. I woke up at 5.00am and I got ready, went with the omani families to pray Eid prayer at a mosque where all muslims gathered. Then we had lunch together with the Omani families in the park and there was the Saudi community as well, we sat together chit chatting and walking around the park, had ice cream with the kids, saw the shops near by until 5.30pm and it was a whole busy fun day, especially seeing those kids enjoying was the best part of it

    In the evening, I went to the ladies house and we had dinner together and had a bit of fun til 11pm, it doesnt really matter how old we are, but it is us who control how nice and exciting Eid can be. When I was in Oman, I never sit down and we always spend the day at home because the whole family gather at my dad's house so we run around doing this and that, we look after the kids, we play with them, I do make special games for them and I do take them out in the afternoon and at night we have BBQ, so I really love Eid

    the only Eid that I felt so bd for not enjoying it was at a time when I had my final exams during third secondary only,, all other eid after that were spent somewhere either in Australia, or Ireland. They were also good but not as good as when it is in Oman of course

    One of the things that I can't stand in Eid is the massive amount of meat that I see, because Im not a meat lover, I cant eat a lot of meat. I normally don't eat a lot of meat and I take vitamine pills to replace the loss of protines from not eating meat. So that's the only hassle I get

    I went the second day of Eid to Redcliff, a place here in Australia on the way to northern queensland but just before Sunshine Coast. It was beautiful, played with the kids in the water at a manmade lake and got wet, was so much fun, I was eating the whole time and the kids were laughing at me as well as the ladies. Man, I eat a lot but I burn as much as I eat :P

    Third day of eat I was relaxing at home, since you know that summer has begun here so I can't go out during the day that often, I went to clean my house and get the stuff out because Im coming home soon insha'a Allah. Today, I was watching TV and getting ready for some work to be done during the next 4 weeks

    Happy belated Eid people and see you when I see you :D
  • I do not what to say, but eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR looks as having a different and pleasant eid, and is really enjoyong it, and look what, 3 full days :P and three of us here complaining for the hard time we are having
    Any way let us all wish her a great time to come

    I do agree with mrs.Unfaithful, and it is really gives us a hard time here at home and I wonder whether eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR will agree with us one day

    As I said I never sleep on eid eve, I stayed up all night and prayed alfajer and eid prayer and came home had breakfast and off to visit. I got exhausted by one oclock and was about to sleep when we had some visitors and had to stay up, at about 4 oclock I said it is time I sleep, I did for 45 minutes when we had some one again

    I never had lunch and could not sleep but late that night

    Same story next and 3rd day though I had some time to go out and have a change

    It was nice eid I suppose and just like expected
  • Tenderness كتب:

    I do not what to say, but eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR looks as having a different and pleasant eid, and is really enjoyong it, and look what, 3 full days :P and three of us here complaining for the hard time we are having
    Any way let us all wish her a great time to come

    I do agree with mrs.Unfaithful, and it is really gives us a hard time here at home and I wonder whether eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR will agree with us one day

    As I said I never sleep on eid eve, I stayed up all night and prayed alfajer and eid prayer and came home had breakfast and off to visit. I got exhausted by one oclock and was about to sleep when we had some visitors and had to stay up, at about 4 oclock I said it is time I sleep, I did for 45 minutes when we had some one again

    I never had lunch and could not sleep but late that night

    Same story next and 3rd day though I had some time to go out and have a change

    It was nice eid I suppose and just like expected

    You know what Tenderness, you guys should thank God that you are at least having the eid at your home with your families, Im here all alone, surrounded with wonderful friends but away from my family and away from my home country. which eid do you think is better? Im telling you that in the last 4 years I spent the eid only once in Oman and all other times it wasn't in Oman. My eid in Oman was always the best. So I had to create for myself at least something close to the best eid. I don't want to feel and have a normal day and I had to put a lot of effort to have a nice eid. I think we should not only wait and expect eid to be a nice one unless we work hard to enjoy it

    I do not understand what so hard and painful in eid!! I mean, dont you like saying hello to the people you haven't seen for so long? what about relatives, some people get to see their relatives in occations, do you know that prophet mohammed peace be upon him told us to keep these relationships with our relatives stronger? so imagine if we are seeing our relatives only in occations, how do you expect this relation to be strong? dont you feel curious to know who your relatives are? yor first cousins, second cousins, third cousins... etc

    Guys, make the most of Eid and dont just complain. It's all in the head and if you all wanted to have a nice Eid then you can, and there are so many things to do in Eid. I honestly prefer to stay at home all day on first day but I try to sneak out and take the kids out in the afternoon if I could, otherwise I will leave it til second day. I personally get to see some of our relatives in Eid only and I feel so bad that I dont even know them that well

    think about 9elat erra7em and jeeran, the poor people ... etc

    I don't know why Im so munfa3elah.. lol but I really think it is because Im here and not enjoying as much as I used to in Eid and you guys are there and you are not taking advantage of your Eid. I feel jealous to know that people are having Eid with their family but I don't envy :P


  • Not necessarily Nawar.
    You make "being home and being with family" sound as the ultimate hapiness to enjoy eid. I too have spent ALOT of eids away from home and from family.. and they were ok.. and now that i am with them here i dont see that i am dancing around with joy on Eid.. its still the same. At least there i could go out shopping or have a manicure or something not all stores are shut

    You seem to like being around kids ... no wonder you're enjoying your Eids my freind... by just hanging out with children ... Cuz Fun stuff with kids are only fun if you like them... if you dont.. then taking Morphine would be your fun

    Visiting family and such, yeh, true, its a good thing to do in Eid, but, come on, you have to be in a supreme mood to do that... Mujamalat are Exhausting my freind
    And not all families are close to each other.. and they prefer to keep it that way

    Anyway... Eid is Over ... and inshallah the next Eid you are here in oman with your family.. And inshallah next Eid i could be in China .. sibiria or wherever the hell away from here

  • It looks I have not got much to add to what Mrs. has said but two points
    1. Never had a manicure
    2- I hope to be in Belgium or Nigeria next Eid, I do not fancy China or Sibiria
    :P :P :P

    Yes eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR, I understand all what you went to but what would you say if I say Eid is a chance to visit......etc, and I visit my relatives and loved one all the time, whether it is eid or not, and I tend to stick to Sillat ElRahm
    Why making eid is the only ooportunity to show silat elrah? who on earth can visit and fullfill social obligations in 2 or 3 days

    Why don't er look at eid as it is eid fitr, happy we ended fasting and happy we fullfilled our relegious duties

    We are not going to differ, and eid is nice but being abroad away from some and say some obligations makes it much much better

  • Well I guess it depends on how we look at Eid, as tenderness said, it is a day to be happy that we fulfilled our obligation towards God. One of our duties and obligations is to keep that relation as strong as possible. Don’t you know that the prophet said we are not going to be having wars but the wars will come from within, which means among us, and it is happening, that’s my first concern. Maybe I worry too much and think far ahead. But also, as you said Mrs Unfaithful, family is not the only way to enjoy Eid, there are many other ways. But what Im trying to say is, that you guys were complaining and instead of complaining, you could have done something interesting. Eid is not different than any other day, you are right Tenderness, we can still fulfill those relatives' duties on any other days, but also since Eid is like any other day, we should also try to do something to make any other day a little bit interesting.

    Fun is not about going out, having fun, or just eating. There are so many things to have fun with and so many ways to enjoy any normal day. It is us who decide how and when and what fun we are looking for.

    Eid is not a day to make those relations with relatives stronger, but it is a good chance to get in touch again and catch up. Take it simple because it is no big deal to me really. This is only my way of enjoying every single day in my life because I don’t want to regret not having on that particular day because it was in my control somewhat to enjoy the day. I really cannot just let a day in my life pass without doing anything fun and has to be useful!! So it's not only Eid, but also all other days.

    Cheers guys

  • Like we all said eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR, we are not going to differ, Eid is nice and great day, but it looks some of us and I am one are a bit greedy and look for better Eids
    Eid Al-Adha is coming soon I hope we do not make as the past Eid, I hope we keep visiting each others and take the eid day to do something else and get out of every thing and make it for ouselves only, not in a selfish way but in see yourself, for a change

    As I said I went out this eid and for the forst time I had plastic Shawerma, hahahahah, I do not like shawerma altogether but a friend insisted I have one, and it was great, plastic type
    I learn that even plastc can be chewed but this plastic shawermw was something else

    I enjoyed seeing kids at the fair, great scenes, innocent secenes filled with joy

    It was very impressive to see some small kids at the eid prayer

    I laughed to see cashiers at some big stores sitting doing nothing as eid closes

    and more to come

  • fair enough.. iinsha'a Allah next eid will be even better.. just make the most of it

    by the way Tenderness, why don't you make the titles more specific for future use. like say eid al fitr 2004 talk, so we know which eid and what year we are talking about just to be on the safe side... next time we are going to have another eid talk, so how can we differ?? it's just a suggestion and you see whats best for the forum of the english section

  • Eid

    If I am to compare and contrast between this Eid and the previous ones I would elect this one to be the best... and the reason is because I had all my beloved family around... mother used to say our Eid is always incomplete as she always had at least one of away.. and that lasted for at least 10 years... this year we all had it with her Al7amdulilah.

    Growing up and doing and behaving differently than we used to be when we were still kids seemed a bit boaring in the start.. but I totally agree with Nawar saying that it is us to feel happy about it and make others feel it too..

    last night was the first time I decided to go out with my family on a party and not feel that I had wasted my time since I have myself too busy working on a project..

    Eid is a gift we decide of how to enjoy it and make the one event unfogetable and looked forward to having the longer we live... that comes from within

    The thing I appriciate the most on Eid is seeing the little ones on thier fancy new clothes with thier hair made differently clipped so cutely kissing you and with thier little voices wishing you Eid mubarak... then recieving those 3idiyas with the cutest smiles $$e

    Eid is a special occassion made for special people on earth (us the muslims) yo share love, strengthen bonds, and to remind us to keep reunited through out life.

    It has ended leaving sweet memories, and better ideas for better plans to be made for next Eids.. :)

    inshallah A3yadkum kilha 5er ya rab :)

    so long
  • Thank you eL3aJoOoZ_NaWaR, and you are correct and I have already changed the title considering that we all here are working together for the sake of this forum
    Thanks once again

    endurance, you took me back few years when we were sitting at home and my mother looked around and said, this is the first time for many years I see all my sons and daughters around me, it is Eid today
    Well, it was not that Eid we are used to, I mean Al-Fitr or Al-Adha, but it was Eid with all it carried to see our small family getting together
    Thank you endurance and like I said it was Eid AlFitr and we all were happy after all, but let me here put before you all this question.......the Eid is Eid, but will it be different depending whether you are a woman, a girl, a boy, or a man? and to make it short, is it dependent on what gender you are?

    I remember a nephew who was excited on the Eid eve, and got all his new clothes ready for the great morning. Just before every body went to bed, he went to the bath room and his mother knew he was washing for "wodoo'e", she asked him why now, he answered he wanted to be ready early morning for the eid and eid prayer
    If I to call this something I would say, INNOCENCE
  • Till we meet again, in Eid Al_Adha 2004
    كل عام وأنتم بألف خير

    ٍSpecial Thanks to

    I hope the list gets longer and grows up by the next Eid as we have new members every day

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    الى اللقاء
    كل عام والجميع بألف خير